Platemates Styles: Classic, Classic GT, Euromate, Euromate XG will only fit New Zealand Standard Number Plates 360 x 125. Euro will fit the European number plate 520 x 112
You can get a maximum of 25 letters max on the top, and on the bottom with our Classic and Euro styles .
If you need more text, then you will need to select our Classic GT and Euromate styles and because of the special design, you are able to get a maximum of 33 letters top and bottom
Remember to account for spaces in all our styles. The text stye is Helvetica Bold , which has proven the most suitable for the spaces available.
The ones you see are mass produced and often screen printed. If they aren't they are often a single sticker applied which will peal off in time. PlateMates are high quality decals that will not peel. They are individually cut and are in a versatile range of colour options.
No, you can print off the order form with your PlateMate idea and send it along with a cheque to PlateMates, P.O Box 16 182, Sandringham, Auckland 1351 New Zealand or fax to 09 8464 956 , or give us a ring on our free phone 0800 888 242 and speak to a REAL person. We can also process credit card payments over the phone or we can give you a sales order number along with our bank account details and you can pay ito our bank account. . Of course our website is totally secure , and while we joke around a bit in our intro, and we take the protection of data very seriously!.
Great, just carry on as normal, the pricing in the order page will automatically give you a discount. There is no less work for us in doing 10, but we like to reward increased business. If you have any tricky requirements or much larger orders , call us on our free phone 0800 88 242 or email us
We don't guarantee that, but we don't mass produce them either. It is highly unlikely that if you put in an original idea, that someone else will come up with it, unless they copy you. We don't keep a database of past PlateMates messages.
From the time we get your order and payment, your Platemates will be sent within ten working days. We always confirm our orders within 24 hours and when the orders has actually been sent we give you another email letting you know it's on its way.
We would wonder why you would want to do that, but we stick to what would be acceptable by the Advertising Standards Authority. Therefore "bugger" is in and #%@*, *&^@!, and #*@%! are out.
No, your information is secure with us. We won't be sending you anything except your PlateMates and the confirmations emails of order reciept and despatch, as long as you promise to tell you friends and family about this website!
Simply choose the style of PlateMate you would like and add the words 'Gift Voucher' as your custom text. Please add the gift recipients name and email address into the Additional Information field when ordering.
PlateMates and decals come in different colours to suit your style. While we have made every effort to accurately represent the actual colours of our PlateMates and decals on our website, please note that due to variences in computer screen technology we cannot offer total colour accuracy.
Yes you can , simply order as normal , and then put your second message in the "other requirements field" and leave the rest to us
The customer may request a refund in the following events:
In any other event there shall be no entitlement to any refund unless in the interest of best customer service, a goodwill refund is approved.
To request a refund the cusomer must:
Approved refund will be made to the customer using the following methods: